Asian 2

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Chariot's Most Beautiful Asian Man: Hendri Rachman

This Guy is one of the cutie Asians in my list. But I don’t know if he is straight or bisexual, but damn, the hell I care, he is so hot! But if he’s a homo, then, much better. I think I am not the only gay who daydreamt him so much. Hendri Rachman is currently living in Sydney, Australia.
He is a full time personal trainer, diet and nutrition coach.
His main of interest is to shoot swimwear and underwear, but this does not mean He is not up for any other kinds of shoots and projects.
He would also be interested to travel.
He is always interested in doing some TFP work if it will benefit him for his portfolio.

Email add:
Born: Jakarta, Indonesia
Ethnicity: Asian - Indonesia
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 146 lbs
Build: Swimmer
Orientation: not sure
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Body Hair: Smooth

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